What is a Pitch Deck?

A pitch deck is a concise and compelling overview of your startup designed to effectively communicate your business’s core problem, your innovative solution, target market size, experienced team, financial projections, and specific funding requirements. To achieve this, use visually appealing slides and a clear storytelling approach.

Key Considerations for Your Pitch Deck

One key element to remember is that most VC funds will spend a maximum of 5 minutes on your pitch deck (if they are generous). This is why you need a compelling structure with easily understandable content. Think of it as a presentation to sell your company to investors in a few seconds. A typical pitch deck contains around 15 slides, with a maximum of 20 slides excluding annexes.

Proven Structure for Success

After years of experience helping startups raise funds and talking to hundreds of investors, we have created a structure that can convince any investor, provided you include the right content:

  • Cover Slide: Company name, logo, tagline (think memorable and impactful).
  • The Problem & Opportunity:
    • Briefly introduce the market pain point your company addresses.
    • Quantify the market size and potential for growth (use credible sources).
  • Your Solution:
    • Explain your product/service and its unique value proposition.
    • Highlight how it solves the problem better than competitors.
  • Market Validation (Traction):
    • Showcase impressive customer acquisition and growth metrics (e.g., user base, revenue growth).
    • Include testimonials or logos of well-known clients (if applicable).
  • Business Model & Financials:
    • Briefly illustrate your revenue streams and cost structure.
    • Show key financial metrics relevant to your industry (e.g., customer lifetime value, churn rate).
    • Include future projections focusing on growth.
  • The Team:
    • Briefly introduce the core team members and their relevant expertise.
    • Emphasize their experience and ability to execute the vision.
  • The Ask:
    • Clearly state the amount of funding you’re seeking.
    • Briefly outline how you’ll use the funds to accelerate growth.

Dups guides you through the all process.